Ireland is a country of bright colours; Orange, white and green are the colours of their flag, which depicts a brighter side of the country. There is an emphasis on clarity in both pictures and wording on a sign from the Health and Safety Authority, and any sign company Ireland has to adhere. Different clients have different tastes and preference in signage, basing on the use and specification of the sign.


signage company

Signs are a powerful tool in advertising and information sharing, be it above the line or below the line. There are characteristics a good signage company should possess like cost-effectiveness and production quality, but the following are the elements to look out for when looking for a signage supplier in Ireland.

  1. Type of Message Conveyed

Signages are used for numerous purposes, and each purpose has its own way of approach to creation. This informs the type of material, technology, colouring and font to be used. If the signage is used for directions or relaying information, the font needs to be clear with bold colours. If the sign is a persuasive (preferably marketing) the wording should be a combination of clarity, style, visibility and emotions. However, if the message being relayed is descriptive, size and clarity become the overriding factors. It is therefore advisable to hire a signage production company whose business mantra is clarity. It should focus on the right background colour, font and caption to use to deliver the desired outcome.

  1. Technology Used

There are numerous materials used to create signs. Each material has a preferred technology to be used. Some of the materials used in sign creation are acrylic glass; a transparent light thermoplastic sheet. Its strength and lightness are essential in making signs on transparent surfaces, ideal for vehicles, screens and household appliances. We also have corriboard; a lightweight but strong twin-wall plastic sheet made from resin. Chemicals can be used to make to make signs on the corriboard since its material is unreactive. The above description enumerates the need for strength and duration as the criteria for finding a suitable supplier of signs. The company should have top-notch machinery, human expertise and high-quality material that ensures the best outcome.

  1. Business Experience

This element targets production capacity, ability and variety of signage handled: operational criterion that requires a company that is efficient, observes timelines and volumes made. Ireland has a good number of such enterprises in its ranks who boast of 30 plus years in business. Operationally, the timestamp in execution and usage of modern technology in producing captivating signs should be top of the list. If a client is looking for mass production, the technology is essential, their referees should be credible and their operations certified by the regulatory authority. Conformity with the law and trust are the main features explored in this element. Possible clients need assurance on non-interruption of their work and surety that their work will be on time and according to plan.

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